
Imprint Legal provider identification Eugen Dolgov DEDAN Address: Eugen Dolgov Guardinistr.113 81375 Munich Germany Telephone 017696685427 Owner Eugen Dolgov E-Mail Tax identification VAT ID No.: DE 324766905 Register court district court Munich Bank details Name of the bank: Postbank account number IBAN: DE98 7601 0085 0900 7318 57 Bank code / BIC: PBNKDEFF Account holder: Eugen Dolgov Legal information on the website All texts, images and other information published here are subject to the copyright of the provider, unless copyrights of third parties exist. In any case, duplication, distribution or public reproduction is only permitted with the revocable and non-transferable consent of the provider. The provider assumes no responsibility for any web content connected by means of cross-references (links), since this is not his own content. The linked pages were checked for illegal content, at the time of linking such was not recognizable. The operator of the linked pages is responsible for their content. The provider has no general monitoring and testing obligation in this regard. However, if an infringement of the law becomes known, the corresponding link will be removed immediately. Photo credits Restricted rights of use were acquired for the images and graphics on our website from the following authors:,, More pictures - Dedan The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS), available at: This platform serves as a contact point for out-of-court settlement of disputes arising from online purchases - or service contracts involving a consumer. We are neither willing nor obliged to participate in dispute settlement procedures before consumer arbitration boards.
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